Various Branches of Science
Oleri Culture- Cultivation of Vegetable Yielding Plants. Arbori Culture- Cultivation of Ornamental Plants. Silvi Culture- Cultivation of Timber Yielding Trees. Agrostology- Study of All Types of Grasses. Pomology- Study of Fruits and Fruit Yielding Plants. Dendrochronology- Science of Determining the Age of the Plant by Counting the Number of Annual Rings. Dendrology- It is the study of All Kinds of Trees. Limnology- Study of Organisms Present in Rivers and Fresh Water Lakes. Acariology- Study of Ticks and Mites. Araneology- Study of Spiders. Actinobiology- Study of Effects of Radiation. Batracology- Study of Frog. Chondrology- Study of Cartilage. Conchology- Study of Molluscan Shells. Etiology- Study of Causes of Death. Gerontology- Study of Aging. Malacology- Study of Molluscs. Myremecology- Study of Ants. Nidology- Study of Formation of Bird's Nests. Angiology- Study of Blood Vessels. Desmology- Study of Anatomy of Ligaments.